Life Skills

Course Description

Hello, all!  This week for life skills we will discuss the importance of personal hygiene and maintaining social distance.  We will participate in an interactive FLOCABULARY video to explain more on these topics and do a fun experiment involving bread and a plastic bag. 


Week of 5/10

ELA- Contractions
Math- Multiplication
Social Studies- Natural Resources
Science- Food Chains
FLS- Field Trip


Math- Math Buzz Review
Social Studies- Cinco de Mayo
Science- Extinction
FLS- Fundraiser

Week of 4-26

Science- Extinction
ELA- Describing Connections btw Historical Events
Social Studies- Ancient Rome
Math- Equivalent Fractions
FLS- Mail


Hello, all! This week will be my last before maternity leave. Mr. Jones will be taking my place. We are lucky to have him!
This week...
ELA- Comprehensive Sight Word Assessment
Math- Fraction Overview and Quiz
Social Studies- Black History Month Dress Up Project
Science- The Water Cycle


Math- Fractions
ELA- Identifying explicitly stated information
Social Studies- Groups who influenced rights and freedoms, focus African Americans
Science- Water Cycle
FLS- Using a Shopping List


This week...
Math- Fractions
ELA- Figures of Speech
Science- Physical and Chemical Changes
Social Studies- Ancient Greece
FLS- Using a Shopping List


Hope everyone enjoyed their MLK holiday!
This week in...
Math- Area
ELA- Writing
Social Studies- MLK
Science- Solar System


This week is our exam week! Please make sure you sign each study guide for extra points and study with your student.  Remember we are on A and B schedule. 
Exam Schedule
Day 1 and 2- Math/Science
Day 3 and 4- ELA/Social Studies
Day 5 and in between days- Packet Work


This week will be a review for our 9 weeks test. Remember we switch back to A and B day.  Students will have study guides for each class.  On alternate days they are out, your child will need to finish study guide work and study. Sign each study guide for extra points on your student's 9 weeks tests. 


Math: Grocery Store Decimals/Measuring
ELA: Thanksgiving AR
Social Studies: Thanksgiving Story
Science: Plant Cells
FLS:  Table Setting

Week of 11/9

ELA: Spelling Test
Math:  Compose/Decompose Numbers
Science: Animal Cells
Social Studies: Native American Cultures
FLS: Wants and Needs

Week of 11-02

This week we will be learning about measurement, genre, the Trail of Tears, and recycling! There will be a test on HFW, and project test grades in social studies and science.  Please review the words daily.

Week of 10-26

This week in math we will have a grade on a congruent activity, AR quiz in ELA, Black Death quiz for Social Studies, and our 180 Days Science packet.  Don't forget about our Halloween Social scheduled for Friday!  Happy Halloween! 

Week of 10-19

Standards for this week include
  • NBT.6-7: Illustrate concept of division using fair and equal shares
  • RL.6- Determine the point of view of the narrator
  • 3.2 –Discuss the significant documents that contributed to the founding of the US
  • E. 9B.1- Identify technologies that predict or warn communities in case of a natural hazard
  • SI.5.b- Identify foods that need to be washed prior to eating
  • SI.5.c- Identify foods that require refrigeration and foods that are stored in a pantry or cupboard
  • ALS. SI.5.d- Identify the expiration date or shelf life of common foods
Social Studies- Bill of Rights AR Quiz
Science- Vocabulary Test
Math- Division Drills
ELA- HFW/Pronoun Quiz

Week of 10-12

Here are the standards we will be focusing on throughout the week.  
  • EE. 1- identify the meaning of an exponent ( 2 and 3)
  • RL.5- Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts
  • 3.1/2 – Discuss the impact of the American Revolution on the founding of the US
  • E. 7.1- Layers of the Earth
  • ALS.SI.5- identify and practice good hygiene during meal prep and food interaction
Math- Exponents Activity (daily)
ELA- AR Quiz (daily)
Social Studies- Branches of Gov't Packet (daily)
Science- Earth Layers Project (test)